The branding of Portland Razor Co. celebrates American manufacturing, assures quality of merchandise, and asserts the brand as strong and confident source for knowledge of a niche product.
The Portland Razor Co. website was designed to serve three primary objectives. One - to present the brand of the company as transparent and open to offering the best service possible to its customers. Two - to offer education and resources for people learning to use straight razors. Three - to facilitate direct-to-consumer sales.
With close to 20% of the company’s sales resulting from email marketing, these campaigns serve as a key element to Portland Razor Co.’s success. I build in many opportunities throughout the website and other online interactions to build the email list and make sure that Portland Razor Co.’s weekly newsletter is always serving up something exciting.
I chose to work with photographed visuals in the place of illustrations and graphics because seeing the Portland Razor Co. product is necessary to trigger feelings of possibility in potential customers. I photograph and style the shoots to show off quality of product and offer aspirations to the viewer. Campaigns will often parallel Portland Razor Co.’s handmade process with the hands-on experience of the user.